Stejarii Collection
    Concierge service quality survey

    We continuously improve the quality of our services and constantly take into account the opinions of the residents of Stejarii Collection. However, we are not always aware of their dissatisfaction, desires, and what they might consider desirable. Please evaluate your satisfaction level regarding the services provided by our Concierge team. Filling out the forms represents your agreement to this satisfaction survey. For details on how we process your personal data, please access the information note available below.

    Stejarii Collection
    Concierge service quality survey

    Legend: 1 star = very weak; 2 stars = weak; 3 stars = acceptable; 4 stars = good; 5 stars = very good.

    Alberto Bacoi
    Provide rating

    Alexandru M. George
    Provide rating

    Andrei Budui
    Provide rating

    Andrei Dima
    Provide rating

    Denis Stefan
    Provide rating

    Felicia Soreata
    Provide rating

    Mihai Onose
    Provide rating

    Robert Stan
    Provide rating

    Vlad Pintea
    Provide rating